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Honorable Chairs, Distinguished Delegates, Fellow Observers and Esteemed Guests,

We are Tran Thi Thuy Nga and Le Tran Khanh Uyen - Honored to accompany YE-MUN 2024 as Co-Secretary General. This is a great pride when YE-MUN 2024 is the seventh Conference season and also the second year we accompany YE-MUN as Secretary General. On behalf of the Secretariats, we would like to express our warmest greetings to all of you who have been following YE-MUN recently and are about to become our soon-to-be participants.

In the context of international integration, the concept of "MUN" has gradually become extremely familiar, which proves that this is an environment that strongly promotes the development of the young generation. Coming to YE-MUN in particular and other MUNs in general, participants will be given the role of diplomats representing countries, with the right to discuss international issues and draft proposals for decisions, talk to other representatives, and have the right to express their opinions. MUN also allows participants to challenge themselves with difficult worldwide problems as well as hone their soft skills. With extremely good values and memorable memories, we believe that MUN will be a desirable environment for participants.

One important thing is that we would like to send our most sincere gratitude to all the members who have been and will be working with YE-MUN at the upcoming conference. Sincerely appreciate that you have chosen YE-MUN.

On a final note, Thuy Nga and Khanh Uyen hope that you fellows won’t hesitate and embrace this special chance. We look forward to everyone's presence to create a professional, entertaining, and memorable experience at YE-MUN 2024!

Best regards,
Tran Thi Thuy Nga - Le Tran Khanh Uyen
Co-Secretary General
Youth Empowerment Model United Nations.


YE-MUN assumes the responsibilities to incentivize every individual, especially students to take initiatives and gain various perspectives on the following skills:

  • Strengthen diplomacy skills

  • Sharpen the theses in critical thinking

  • Build up the confidence in each person

YE-MUN is glad to play the role of a bridge connecting students. The hyphen "-" in YE-MUN metaphorically indicates our mission: Empowering the youth and providing young generations with a fruitful educational platform (MUN).

Our responsibilities with the young local generations and every individual of different backgrounds from different cultures throughout the world lie in the motto: “Nurture local evolution, further global revolution”.

Welcome to YE-MUN, an organization with well-organized services and bondings. Let us accompany you on your journey of self-development!


  • Professional councils and diverse committees 

  • Exchanging experience with newbies and Befriending other individuals across Vietnam 

  • Well-organized hierarchy and informative sessions 

  • Dedicated organizers with high interaction & great participant services 

  • Exploring and experiencing attractive and hospitable tourist destination - Phu Yen 

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